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Professional Training for Trafficking Victims

The professional training project, which was launched between 2010 and 2012 and from 2013 to 2015, helps victims of trafficking (men and women) within a framework of the rehabilitation period granted to them by the State of Israel.The training provides them with tools and skills to build an employment base in accordance with the requirements of the labor market in Israel and in their countries of origin.


A variety of individual courses were made available to educated women (formerly from the former Soviet Union) who were able to integrate into existing courses within established institutions of higher education. Also courses that teach a profession were offered.. In addition, group sessions were given exclusively  to victims of trafficking, which were intended to address a wider number of participants from different backgrounds. These needed to be adapted to the nature of the  population of refugees, which was mainly from African countries (Eritrea and Ethiopia).  

Courses taught: African literature (for women), welding (for men), familiarity with computers and apps (for women and men), cooking (for women), English,  (for women and men), Hebrew at different levels (for women and men). The courses which were integrated on an individual basis, cooking, sewing, manicure, massage, programming and more.

The project was carried out in collaboration with Keshet, an organization that operates shelters and rehabilitation frameworks for human trafficking victims under the patronage of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services .

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