Labor Migration
Through CIMI's work in labor migration, we strive to promote the development and management of transparent, regulated immigration for those who come to Israel, while maximizing the potential for the countries sending the workers,, Israel and the immigrants themselves. The experience of immigration and employment in Israel is complex. In many cases, labor migrants are vulnerable and exploited. Many are unaware of their social rights. This is accompanied by problems such as language difficulties, many working hours, breaches of the employment contract and a wide range of other difficulties.
CIMI works in numerous ways to address these issues and reduce them:
Assistance to the Government of Israel in the development and implementation of bilateral agreements that include transparent recruitment and employment mechanisms, without the involvement of manpower companies in the countries of origin.
Implementation and operation of recruitment services for employees in the countries of origin. This activity includes disseminating information, logistical organizing and orientationfor their arrival in Israel in order to ensure fair and safe employment.
CIMI operates, in cooperation with the Immigration and Population Authority, an Call Center for Labor migrants. This is operated in the language of each of the countries with which Israel has signed bilateral agreements. Every month, hundreds of inquiries from the migrant workers or their employers are received at the center.
In 2011, CIMI received an award for its work incombating human trafficking.
The award was presented on the International Day for Abolition of Slaveryby the President of Israel, to government bodies, to NGOs and to individuals, who have made significant and honorable contributions to the fight against human trafficking.
CIMI was awarded this for its contribution in designing tools to aid victims of torture ? and sharing knowledge to those who come into contact with them. The center has played a key role in promoting the identification of victims of torture so that the correct help can be given.