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2020 – Work with migrants during the pandemic

CIMI provided immeasurable assistance to asylum seekers during the struggle against Covid and played a significant role in contributing to their survival during those fateful months. The organization was chosen to be responsible for the distribution of a NIS 27 million aid budget allocated by the government (Ministry of Health), JDC-Israel, and a philanthropic fund, for communities throughout the country from Haifa to Eilat. The pandemic dealt a devastating blow to the asylum-seeker population and the financial assistance enabled many families to overcome the dangers of food insecurity. CIMI provided its humanitarian aid in cooperation with other aid organizations and helped the community by mediating with health officials and the Home Front Command in testing for Covid and providing vaccinations. During this period, the organization strengthened its ties with the local authorities and community leaders.


Furthermore, in addition to providing emergency aid to migrant workers, CIMI assisted them by running the Call Center, answering their calls, and disseminating up-to-date information in all relevant languages.

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